terça-feira, fevereiro 15, 2011

4º Trabalho \ 4th Work

Esta numeração é só consistente com o Blog mesmo...


How to NOT make

First you'll need kitchen utensils. ; You know, those things only your Mom knows about. -> Misogyny not intended.
Then you'll probably need fruit. ; Oranges, Bananas, Apples, Pears, uh... ; Coconuts? Sure, it's a fruit. Tomatoes too, pour them right in.
Hm, I believe Peas and Beans are seeds... ; But what the heck! ; They're Vegetables after all! Just add all that shit!
Then you stir it all. Yes, stirred, not shaken. ; After you've stirred, verify it's consistency with a spoon (it has to be very soft) and put it in the oven for about, hmmm... 5 minutes to warm up, 10 to cook, something like that.
Then clean yourself (and the kitchen too), invite friends and set the table.
Finally, Have a Party! I'm sure it's SUPER!

"I did it myself! With the help of a spectacular Manual!"


1º é o sketch original. 2º é o sketch digital. 3º é, uh, o produto final. Feito em GIMP.
1st is the original sketch. 2nd is t he digital sketch. 3rd is, uh, the final product. GIMP made.

E... todo feito de forma digital. É um manual de instruções. A ideia original era fazer uma série chamada Mr. Goodwill, que seria um Cavalheiro que em situações de vida e morte, ele torna-se no ser mais irascível de sempre; instruções de sobrevivência.
Mas era demasiado grande, por isso alterei para algo mais espontâneo. Daí o manual de como NÃO fazer um bolo de fruta, com uma convidada especial.
Mr. Goodwill será feito no futuro, pois claro.


And... all made digitally. It's an instruction manual. The original idea was to make a series called Mr. Goodwill, who's a Gentleman, that in situations on life and death, he turns into the most irascible being ever; survival instructions.
But it was too big, so I altered it so something more spontaneous. Hence, the manual on how to NOT do a fruitcake, with a special guest.
Mr. Goodwill will be made in the future, of course.

3º Trabalho \ 3rd Work

Já passou algum tempo, mas aqui vai o próximo. O meu trabalho mais recente não será postado ainda porque não o scannei, e de momento não o tenho comigo. Por isso yeah, para depois.


Been a while, but here's the next one. My most recent work will not be posted yet because I haven't scanned it and I don't have it with me at the moment. So yeah, something for later.

The Metropolis...
They say it's a lively place, full of people.
That has it all... nothing is amiss.

Maybe it's true. Maybe true too much.
It's such a vast place that it only makes it's filth shimmer.

But your house doesn't have to be a part of this dirty haunt.

With new Zulit! It's so good--
that it's really something to jump out the window for.

Eu tinha muitos mais sketches de estudo, mas não os scannei e permaneceram dentro do caderno.
Este projecto consistia numa experiência concentrada em perspectivas e na mudança de espaço. O verdadeiro conceito era fazer establishing shots (zoom in, zoom out, etc.) criando um jogo com os zooms em si. Começando com a vista da Metropolis fui fazendo mais e mais zoom in, e na terceira vinheta foi ambiguamente um zoom in e out.
Diverti-me a planear este.
Na última vinheta utilizei o Google Sketchup, porque auxilia bastante :v

Quanto ao visual, eu tentei um efeito flashy e rápido, baseada principalmente na BD Underground. Até gostei do efeito.


I had a lot more study sketches but I didn't scan them, so they remained in my notebook. This project consisted in an experiment concentrated on perspectives and a change of space. The real concept was to do establishing shots (zoom in, zoom out, etc.), and so I did, by playing with the zoom themselves. Starting with a view of the Metropolis, zooms in more and more, and on the 3rd panel, it's both a zoom in an zoom out.
I had fun planning it.

As for the visual, I tried a really flashy and fast work, based mostly on the Underground Comics. Kinda liked the effect.